
Westbrook, ME

In the light of the recent event related to the religious symbol removal from Westbrook holiday light display, below is the official statement from NEAAO board of directors.

NEAAO stands in solidarity with our Jewish community, Arab community and any other community in recognizing their rights for their religious symbols to be displayed on their private properties and on public properties in accordance to local laws.

NEAAO never complained nor requested, nor removed any religious symbols.

NEAAO is and remains a social organization that is non-religious and non-political, that serves all community members regardless of their religion or affiliation. Part of our mission is to build bridges between cultures and celebrate diversity.

NEAAO believes:

- that any community has the right to have their religious symbols displayed, including the Jewish community.

- Whereas people might feel offended by a symbol or another, that does not mean that such symbol is to be removed from public display.

That stated, NEAAO continues to thrive for open communication with various parts of this wonderful welcoming community. NEAAO will continue to work towards the goal of peace in our community, in our state, in our nation and in the world.

Thank you

NEAAO Board of Directors